
Dianda Azani, M.Psi., Psikolog

S1 Psikologi Universitas Padjadjaran

S2 Magister Profesi Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara

Terapis CBT
Provider DIR Floortime 201

"Understanding is the first most important Key to change"
Carl rogers

Kami mengutamakan pemahaman masalah untuk menentukan penanganan yang tepat bagi anda dan keluarga. 

Beragam Layanan terintegrasi

Seluruh proses penanganan masalahmu secara umum dibagi dalam tiga tahap

Testimoni Klien

2,157 people have said how good we are

“Mrs. Dianda is a very nice person. Makes me comfortable talking about whatever my complaints are”


Working mom of toddlers, Jakarta

“Explanations given by Mrs. Dianda are often accompanied by case examples, so it is easy for me to understand the meaning and explanations”


Mom of toddler, Jakarta

“Ms. Dianda is patient and detailed in explaining the results of her observations of the children and the steps that must be taken next.”


Mom of teenager, Jakarta

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